Business Experts to Help Make US Presidential Debates Easier to Swallow

Released on: September 23, 2008, 2:34 am

Press Release Author: David Chandler

Industry: Small Business

Press Release Summary: online business television channel to produce crunchy summary
analysis of us presidential debates.

Press Release Body: United Kingdom, September 23, 2008 -- The US presidential race
is heating up, and this Friday the two men seeking to occupy the most powerful
office on earth go head-to-head in the first of the US presidential debates. The
eyes of America and the world will be on Barack Obama and John McCain as they battle
over key campaign issues in three 90 minute debates, broadcast live to air, over the
next month.

But only the most dedicated political junkies will manage to catch all the debates.
And even those that do will struggle to absorb everything that is said across four
and a half hours of televised debate. That�s why online business TV channel
yourBusinessChannel is assembling a panel of business experts to help you get to the
core of each debate.

�We all know that the world of political campaigning and speech-making can be
clouded by bluster and hot air�, says Mark Sinclair, features editor with the online
business television network , �and nowhere is the air hotter than in the US
presidential elections. So we�re producing a series of shows, providing a succinct,
reliable summary of the key outcomes of each debate.�

The episodes will be released on the business television network shortly after each
debate, and will comprise a very succinct summary of the key points of the debate,
distilled down by business experts . The team of experts, who are also behind
yourBusinessChannel�s Presentation Guru product to help people present with more
impact, will analyse the contribution of each candidate from a communications
perspective, and provide unique insight and commentary on the points that are made.

Each week yourBusinessChannel produces dozens of business TV shows for
businesspeople and entrepreneurs. The free shows feature expert business development
advice on a wide range of topics. The presidential debate series will also be made
available on yourBusinessChannels�s business tv channel on YouTube .

Further links/information:
* View this and other business TV shows featuring business experts.

* News about the latest expert business advice and upcoming business TV shows.

* Business television on your website or blog.
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Contact Details: David Chandler
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 870 041 0459

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